7. The Governor of the State of Maharashtra shall be ex-officio the Chief Patron of the Society.

8. General Body Meetings

(a) On a day, later than 31st August, every year, to be fixed by the Managing Committee, there shall be held an Annual General Meeting (AGM) for elections as provided in article 14(a) and for the adoption of the Annual Report of the managing Committee, which shall contain a statement showing the financial position of the Society, as well as the accounts for the year ended 31st March of the year under audit and the Auditor8s Report as required by Rule 18, and for the transaction of any other business which the Managing Committee may consider expedient to bring to the notice of the Society. The AGM shall, in alternate years appoint two Statutory Auditors as provided under Rule 18, for. the next two years. 

(b) All meetings of the Society shall be convened by a circular addressed to the Resident members by the Hon. Secretary or by any person appointed by the Managing Committee in his/her temporary absepce. His circular shall be issued at least fourteen days before the date of the meeting and shall contain a statement of the business to be transacted at the meeting; and no business shall be brought forward of which notice has not been given by the preliminary circular, except with the permission of the Chairperson of the Annual General Body Meeting.

(c) A circular convening a meeting to consider the question of modifying the rules shall be sent to Non - Resident members also.

(d) Any member wishing to submit a proposal to the Society may require the Hon. Secretary, or any other Officer acting for the Hon. Secretary, to insert in the statement of business, after it has been considered by the Managing Committee, to be transacted at a meeting, and this proposal shall be entered in the first circular convening a meeting which may be issued subsequent to the receipt of the proposal by the Hon. Secretary. The proposal may be moved by another member on behalfofthe member giving notice, ifhe/she is unable to be present.

(e) In case the agenda circulated for consideration of the General Body meeting (Annual or Special) of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai is not completed on the day of such meeting the President shall adjourn the said meeting to consider the balance of the agenda to a suitable date with the consent of the house.

9. A special General Body Meeting shall be convened by the Managing Committee, whenever necessary or on the requisition of 50 members for the consideration of any business which shall be specified: provided that no such meeting shall be held till after the expiration of fourteen days fro the date of the circular convening such a special meeting Such a special meeting shall not take up any other business for deliberation or resolution except whal is mentioned in the circular convening the meeting

AGM,201O: Rule 10 (Item No. 7.A.1 of AGM)

Rule 10: Quorum for AGM:
a) A quorum of 25 members is necessary for a General Body Meeting including AGM and Special General Body Meeting to commence the meeting;
b) If at the commencement of the meeting the requisite number of members for fulfilling the requirement of quorum is not there then the meeting should be adjourned for 30 minutes at the same date and location;
c) There is no requirement of quorum for the adjourned AGM. In other words, if the number of members present at the adjourned meeting is less than as per the quorum required as above, even then the meeting can commence;
d) There is no requirement of quorum during the proceedings of the meeting. In other words, the requirement of quorum as stipulated above is applicable only at the time of commencement of the meeting.
e) Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, the President will have powers to postpone the discussion on an issue in view of poor attendance at the meeting or for any other reasons which may have a far reaching impact on the future of the Society.

11 The President of the Society shall take the Chair at all Managing Committee and General Body Meeting at which he/she may be present and, in his/her absence one of the Vice - Presidents present shall take his/her place. In the absence of the President and the Vice - President, the meeting shall elect its own Chairperson.
12. The Chairperson of a meeting shall detemine all points of order which may arise, and he/she shall not vote except in the case of an equality of votes when his/her vote shall decide the question before the meeting.
13a) The voting shall ordinarily be taken by a show of hands, but, on the,requisition of any three members present, the Chairperson shall direct a poll to be taken in such manner as may appear to him/her to be convenient.
b) A Member who, on the day of any General Body Meeting of the Society, is in arrears of subscription, or is liable to pay any dues to the Society, shall not be entitled to participate in any way at such a meeting.