THE MUMBAI RESEARCH CENTRE initiates an online lecture series on THE –LOGY OF MUMBAI
The City of Mumbai was called Urbs Prima in Indis ... even today it is the economic capital of India. Once a gateway to the west by sea, it is today a gateway to the world. This series aims to take the participants into an enchanting tour of this incredible city through an introduction to its geological development, archaeological and biological heritage along with a peep into its history, communities and gastronomic delights.

Themes and speakers 
1. The Geology of Mumbai , Speaker : Omkar Khare
2. The Archaeology of Mumbai, Speaker : Kurush F Dalal
3. The Anthropology of Mumbai - Its people and communities, Speaker: Kurush F Dalal
4. The History of Mumbai, Speaker: Rashna Poncha
5. The Biology of Mumbai - Flora and Fauna, Agriculture and Pastoralism, Bio-reserves
Speaker: Kurush F Dalal
6. The Food of Mumbai - Its restaurants, markets, thelas, khau gallis and kattas
Speaker: Kurush F Dalal
Series Coordinator : Dr. Kurush F Dalal

Duration : 6 days, 6 lectures of 1 hour followed by Q&A for 30 minutes
Dates : Monday, June 8 to Saturday, June 13, 2020.
Timings : 7.00 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.
Fees : Rs. 600/-

Link for registration:
Link for WhatsApp group:
Contact: Dr. Kurush F Dalal (9820136511) Dr. Madhu (9821695912) and Dr. Madhumita (9987087418)
PS : Platform - Microsoft Teams; E-Certificates will be issued.

- Surendra Kulkarni, Hon. Secretary, Asiatic Society of Mumbai
- Dr. Shehernaz Nalwalla, Chairperson, Mumbai Research Centre

Instruction Noticeonline Google Registration