The Asiatic Society of Mumbai
Mumbai Research Centre
Navigating the Corte do Norte of Portuguese India
A Free Virtual Tour of the Bassein Fort
When Bombay or Mumbai was still a seemingly insignificant cluster of marshy islands, Bassein stood as the proud northern capital of the Portuguese territories. A centre once bustling with trade and commerce, institution and industry, aristocracy and clergy, Bassein or Baçaim can be dubbed “praelusio urbs prima in Indis.” A silent witness to history’s meanderings, the monumental presence of the fortified city of Bassein can now only be felt through its ruins. Here, nature and structure have found a rhythm of growth and decay, enough to preserve a semblance of its former grandeur.
Join us as we navigate the historical and urban intricacies woven into the defense and religious architecture of the Fort to flesh out a two hundred year record of the rise and subsequent decline of this once famed walled city.

Resource Person: André Baptista
Date: Saturday, 18th July 2020
Time: 7.00 p.m.
Platforms: Microsoft Teams
Link for Google doc:
Link for Whats App Group:
Contact: Vrushali (9820603539), Rushikesh (9766410354),
Madhu (9821695912), Madhumita (9987087418)

- Surendra Kulkarni, Hon. Secretary, Asiatic Society of Mumbai
- Dr. Shehernaz Nalwalla, Chairperson, Mumbai Research Centre