The Mumbai Research Centre,
The Asiatic Society of Mumbai
invites you to the Launch of Book
“BECOMING BABASAHEB – Birth to Mahad (1891-1929)”
by Dr Aakash Singh Rathore
on Saturday 15th April 2023 at 11.00 a.m.
in the Durbar Hall of the Society

The Mumbai Research Centre of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai invites you to the launch of book “BECOMING BABASAHEB – Birth to Mahad (1891-1929)” by Dr Aakash Singh Rathore on Saturday 15th April 2023 at 11.00 a.m. in the Durbar Hall of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai.

Dr Aakash Singh Rathore will be in conversation with Dr Shashi Tharoor, former international civil servant, diplomat, bureaucrat and politician, writer and public intellectual and Member of Parliament (M.P – Lok Sabha), on his book Ambedkar: A Life.

Mr. Achim Fabig, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany, will be Chief Guest.

- Prof. Mangala Sirdeshpande , Hon. Secretary Asiatic Society of Mumbai
- Dr Shehernaz Nalwalla , Chairperson, Mumbai Research Centre