The Asiatic Society of Mumbai takes pleasure in inviting you and your friends to the
Ninth Durga Bhagwat Endowment Lecture by Professor Dr Shrikant Bahulkar, Director Academic Development Programme Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute on
‘The symbiotic relationship between the cow and the river in a legend of Bahula’ on Tuesday 1st December 2020 from 6.30 to 8.00 p.m.
Dr A.P. Jamkhedkar, Chairman Indian Council of Historical Research New Delhi & Chancellor Deccan College Pune
will preside.
Platform: Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 0773 3017
Passcode: 794231

- Meenal Kshirsagar, Vice President & Chairperson Endowment Lectures Committee
- Dr Usha Vijailakshmi, Officiating Hon. Secretary