The Asiatic Society of Mumbai takes pleasure in inviting you and your friends to the Ninth Professor Dhirendra Narain Endowment Lecture (Online) by Professor Dr Phiroze Vasunia Department of Greek and Latin University College London U.K. on ‘Memories of Empire’ on Friday 8th January 2021 from 6.30 to 8.00 p.m. Dr Arjun Appadurai Goddard Professor of Media, Culture and Communication, New York University & Visiting Professor of Anthropology, Humboldt University (Berlin)
will preside.
Platform: Zoom (Join Zoom Meeting)
Meeting ID: 823 6338 4119 Passcode: 309080

-Meenal Kshirsagar , Vice President & Chairperson Endowment Lectures Committee

-Dr Usha R. Vijailakshmi , Officiating Hon. Secretary