CHIEF PATRON H.E. The Governor of Maharashtra
  TRUSTEES     (2021-2027) Mr. Eknath A. Kshirsagar- Chairperson
( Expired on Adv. Navroz Seervai)
                       (2019-2025) Prof. Bhalchandra Mungekar - Chairperson, Board of Trustees
    Mr. Cyrus Guzder
                       (2017-2023) --
Managing Committee for the year 2023-2024 ( w.e.f 1st October 2023)
( OFFICE BEARERS 2023-2025)
1.  President Prof. Vispi Balaporia
2. Vice-President Prof. Meenal Kshirsagar
Dr. Shehernaz Nalwalla
Mr. Joy Thomas Kuriappilly
Prof. Usha R Vijailakshmi
3. Hon. Secretary Prof. Mangala Sirdeshpande
  Hon.  Jt. Secretary Mr. Madhavi G. Kamat
4. Hon. Finance Secretary Dr. Vishnu Kanhere
5. Hon. Jt. Finance Secretary Mr. Rajan M. Jayakar
   Ex-Officio Member 

[w.e.f.21-03-2022 till the next election of 2022) under Clause No. 14 (c)(i)]

   Ex-Officio Member 

[w.e.f.21-03-2022 till the next election of 2022) under Clause No. 14 (c)(ii)]

6  Members ( 2021-2024) Ms. Renu Parekh
    Mr. Jaywant K. Patil

Elected at the 219th AGM held on  30-09-2023 for 2023-2024:

Ms. Nasreen Fazalbhoy
Ms. Yasmeen Lukmani 
Mr. Chittilarily M Paulsil

7. Members ( 2022-2025) Mr. Madhavi G. Kamat - Hon. Jt. Secretary.
    Adv. Rajan M Jayakar - Hon. Jt. Fin. Sec.
Mr. Vilas Dhavale ( Resigned w.e.f.25/07/2023)

Elected at the 219th AGM held on  30-09-2023 for 2023-2025:

Mr. Biplov Belel
Mr. Digamber Kamble
Dr. Kunda P. N. 
8. Members (2023-2026) Ms. Shormistha Mukherjee
    Mr. Nobby Pariyaram
Mr. Vithal Nadkarni (Re-elected at the 219th AGM held on 30-09-2023 for 2023-2026)
Ms. Sushama V Dabak
Mr. Sanjay Kher
9. Hon. Director, MM Dr. P.V.Kane Institute Prof. Suraj Pandit (In-charge Hon. Director)
10. Employees Representative Mr. Sunil Bhirud
11. Central Government Nominee The Joint Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
12. State Government Nominee

Shri D.A. Kshirsagar (w.e.f. 14-10-2022)Director of Libraries, Directorate of Libraries, Maharashtra State, Mumbai 

13 Auditors Mr. Sunil Shah
    Mr. A.D. Bhorkar