The Asiatic Society of Mumbai
takes pleasure in inviting you and your friends to the
13th Durga Bhagwat Endowment Lecture

Professor K. Krishnan, Ph.D. (Retd.)
Head, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History,
Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

“Applications of Science in Archaeology
with special emphasis on Ceramic Petrology”
on Wednesday, 26th March, 2025, at 5.30 p.m.

Professor K. Ramasubramanian
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT, Mumbai, will preside.

Please join us for tea at 5.00 p.m.

-  Prof. Mangala Sirdeshpande, Hon. Secretary
- Meenal Kshirsagar,  Vice President of the Society & Chairperson, Endowment Lectures Committee 


The Mumbai Research Centre
lecture on 'The Third Battle of Panipat: The Why, The How, and Its Aftermath'
by Surg. Cdr. Uday S. Kulkarni (Retd.)
Friday, 28th February 2025 at 5.00 p.m.

The Mumbai Research Centre of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai invites you to a lecture titled 'The Third Battle of Panipat: The Why, The How, and Its Aftermath' by Surg. Cdr. Uday S. Kulkarni (Retd). The session will be chaired by Dr. Varsha S. Shirgaonkar.

About the Topic:
The Third Battle of Panipat is a struggle of monumental proportions, spread over a fourteen-month period, with armies of hundreds of thousands of men and beasts marching across a vast subcontinent. The talk will take the audience on a historic journey to a gripping climax.

About the Speaker:
Uday S. Kulkarni has written six historical nonfiction books on 18th Century India. An alumnus of the Armed Forces Medical College in Pune and a surgeon by profession, Kulkarni served in the Indian Navy, retiring in the rank of Surgeon Commander.

About the Chair:
After a long teaching career in the colleges of Mumbai University, Dr. Varsha Shirgaonkar retired as Professor and Head, Dept of History, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai. A well-known historian, nationally and internationally, her path-breaking book is 'Eighteenth Century Deccan: Cultural History of the Peshwas' among a total of nine books published so far.

Friday, 28th February 2025, 5:00 PM
Durbar Hall, The Asiatic Society of Mumbai
Please join us for tea at 4:30 PM

- Prof. Mangala Sirdeshpande, Hon. Secretary Asiatic Society of Mumbai.
- Dr. Shehernaz Nalwalla, Vice President of the Society & Chairperson – MRC

The Mumbai Research Centre
Part 2 of the series Mythical Mumbai
with Arundhuti Dasgupta and Utkarsh Patel
Monday, 5th August 2024 at 5.30 p.m.


The Mumbai Research Centre of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai is happy to announce Part 2 of the series Mythical Mumbai with Arundhuti Dasgupta and Utkarsh Patel.
Mumbai's diverse cultural tapestry is woven with stories, customs, and traditions from its inhabitants. This presentation will explore:
- The narratives of the original tribes who contributed to Mumbai's development.
- The tales brought by global migrants who made Mumbai their home.
- The rich folklore that reflects the city's religious plurality.
In essence, these stories are intertwined with the city's history and the collective memory of its people, shaping Mumbai's unique identity.
Monday, 5th August 2024
Talk at 5:30 PM, Tea at 5 PM
Durbar Hall, The Asiatic Society of Mumbai.
This talk was earlier scheduled on 19th July 2024 but had to be postponed due to heavy rains.  

 For event updates and cancellations due to rain patrons are advised to
 1.  Visit our website
 2.  Contact Mr. Ronald Deniz at 9833969496  between 11:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. 
 3.  Check our Instagram handle @asiaticsocietymumbai

- Prof. Mangala Sirdeshpande, Hon. Secretary Asiatic Society of Mumbai
-  Dr. Shehernaz Nalwalla , Vice President of the Society & Chairperson – MRC     

The Asiatic Society of Mumbai
takes pleasure in inviting you and your friends to the
27th Gulestan and Rustom Billimoria Endowment Lecture
Prof. Mayank Vahia
Retd. Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
“The Origin and Growth of Astronomy in India”
on Tuesday, 3rd September 2024 at 5.30 p.m.
in the Durbar Hall of the Society.

Dr. Kurush F Dalal
Director, INSTUCEN School of Archaeology, Mumbai, will preside
Please join us for tea at 5.00 p.m.

Prof. Mangala Sirdeshpande, Hon. Secretary
Meenal Kshirsagar, Vice President of the Society & Chairperson, Endowment Lectures Committee

The Asiatic Society of Mumbai
takes pleasure in inviting you and your friends to the
Twelfth Professor Dhirendra Narain Endowment Lecture
Prof. Aditya Mukherjee
General President, Indian History Congress 2023-2024 and
former Professor of Contemporary Indian History, Jawaharlal Nehru University
“The Vision of the Indian National Movement: Current Challenges”
on Friday, 3rd May 2024 at 5.30 p.m.
Prof. Manjiri Kamat
Department of History, University of Mumbai, will preside.
Please join us for tea at 5.00 p.m.

- Prof. Mangala Sirdeshpande, Hon. Secretary
- Meenal Kshirsagar, Vice President of the Society & Chairperson Endowment Lectures Committee

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