Town Hall,  Shahid Bhagatsingh Road, Mumbai 400 001 
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 N O T I C E

Every member should carry his/her ASM I-card along with him/her at the time of the Special General Body Meeting (SGM) for entry to the meeting venue, on Saturday, 3rd February 2024, at 3.00 pm.
Members who are defaulters (those whose subscription or fine has not been paid and overdue Library books not returned) will not be allowed to attend the SGM.
Please pay your outstanding subscription, if any, before 3rd February, 2024.   (Ignore this note if payment is already made.)  
 Kindly update your mailing address / Mobile Nos./ email address, if there are any changes.
Kindly co-operate.

-  Prof. Mangala Sirdeshpande, Hon. Secretary                                           
Date:  31st January, 2024                                     

We are happy to share with you that on 25th November 2023, on the occasion of the Foundation Day of the Asiatic, the Society has released Volume 91 of the ASM Journal. 
It has come to the Society's notice that some unscrupulous elements are collecting money for publishing papers in the Society's Journal and offering bogus certificates. The Asiatic Society does not collect money for publishing in its journal, nor does it guarantee publication, and neither does it issue any certificate. Authors must verify with the Society before submitting any papers, and papers will be published only after rigorous peer review and editing. The Society does not take responsibility for any payments made to third parties claiming to represent the Society, or for their papers appearing in a cloned/spam journal. Ours is a print-only journal. 

Town Hall, Shahid Bhagatsingh Road, Mumbai 400 001
Ref No.: ASM/Notice/Stock-taking/2023-24/037


Sub: Extension of Stock-taking of books and periodicalsfrom 01-02-2024 to 29-02-2024

Dear Member,
This is further to our Notice under Reference No. ASM/Notice/2023-24/575 dated 5th December 2023 informing Members about the Stock-taking of books and periodicals being carried out in the Library. Consequently, no books, periodicals, etc. were being issued to members during the period from Monday, 1st January to Wednesday, 31st January, 2024. Members were also requested to return the borrowed books and periodicals by Saturday, 30th December 2023, even if the time allowed for reading them had not yet expired.

In order to complete the task of stock-taking, the period has now been extended to 29th February 2024. Hence, members may please note that there will be no issue of books, periodicals, etc. during the extended period of stock-taking from Thursday, 1st February to Thursday, 29th February, 2024 (both days inclusive).

- Prof. Mangala Sirdeshpande, Hon. Secretary
Place: Town Hall, Mumbai.

Please Note:
It has been decided that henceforth communications to Members should be sent by e-mail. You are, therefore, requested to convey your e-mail address to the Society immediately; otherwise, you might miss important communications from the Society.

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