With a handsome donation from the State Bank of India in 1997, the Library embarked on a phased programme of computerization of its holdings and operations. In addition to the traditional Catalogue Card Index, all new books are entered into the computer. The backlog of old books is also being entered and will be soon fully accessible on the electronic catalogue. The book data base helps members do operations such as book searches, both at a simple and advanced level. The software also assists in the issue and return of books, records of deposits and claims on books by members. There is also a members' data base, maintaining records of subscription status, etc. Terminals for the use of members are installed at various locations in the Library. Internet browsing is also provided for members.

Some valuable and antique books in the library 
- Bailey, Rev. B Dictionary of Malayalam and English 1846 
- Bernier, Francois Voyages. 1710 
- Bournouf, M. Eugene Le Bhagavata Purana (in 4 volumes) (French) 1840 
- Brooke, R Dictionary of the World 1772 
- Cook, Captain James Voyages to the South Pole and round the world 2 vols 1777
- Galilei, Galileo Linceo Diologo (Italian) 1632 
- Gould, John The Birds of Asia 1850-1883 
- Grassmann, Hermann Rig Veda (translated into German) 1876-77 
- Langles, L Monuments Anciens et Moderns del Hindostan (French) 1821 
- Macnaghten, W.H. (ed) Alif Laila (Arabic) 1839 
- Nizam, Sheikh Futewa Alemgiri (Urdu) 1829 
- Prinsep, James Benares Illustrated 1831 
- Raikwal, Bapu Shastri Pandya Aesop's Fables (translated into Gujarati) 1826 
- Raleigh, Sir Walter History of the World 1736 
- Russell, Patrick An account of Indian serpents collected on the coast of Coromandel 1796 
- Shakespeare, William First Folio 1623 
- Todd, James Travels in Western India 1839

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