1. The name of the Society shall be "The Asiatic Society of Mumbai'
2. The aims and object of the Society as envisaged when it was set lip in 1804 was "to promote useful knowledge particularly such as is now immediately connected with India 'Thereafter in 1954 and 1995 the aims and objects were revised without prejudice to the above, in the context of the new dynamics as below.
(a) to encourage the study of research in the language, philosophy, arts and natural and social sciences in relation to Asia in general and India. in particular;
(b) to publish journals and other research publications:
(c) to maintain library;
AGM 2009: Rule 2(d)
(d) to maintain a museum;
(e) to establish and maintain institutes and centers in fulfillment of the aims and objects of the Society; and
(f) to undertake all activities which are incidental and conducive to fulfillments of the above mentioned aims and objects.