The Two Hundred and Fifteenth (215th) Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held on Saturday, 31st August, 2019, at 3.30 p.m. in the Durbar Hall of the Society.
- Vispi Balaporia,Hon. Secretary

1. To confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday, 25th August, 2018.
2. To elect vote counters and scrutineers for the elections.
*3. To elect the office bearers for two years (2019-2021) – President, 4 Vice-Presidents and Hon. Secretary, and to elect 5 members of the Managing Committee for three years (2019-2022).
*4. To elect a Scrutinizing Committee consisting of seven members for the year 2019-2020.
5. To receive and adopt the Annual Report, the Audited Statement of Accounts of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai for the year 2018-2019 and to note the Action Taken Report.
6. To appoint the Statutory Auditors for two years 2019-20 and 2020-21.
7. To ratify the names of two Trustees recommended by the Managing Committee.
8. To consider the resolutions. Members’ resolutions should be proposed and seconded by at least one member each before they are handed over to the Society's office, the last date for which will be Thursday, 18th July, 2019 by 1.00 p.m.
9. Any other business that may be brought forward with the permission of the Chair.

Election Schedule :

*For Items No. 3 and 4, please note:
1. Issue of nomination forms – Nomination Forms will be available in the office from 10.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on all working days from Thursday, 8th August, 2019 to Monday, 19th August, 2019 and on Tuesday, 20th August, 2019, up to 2.00 p.m.

2. Submission of nomination forms – All Nomination forms of the candidates for election to the Managing Committee including office bearers, and the Scrutinizing Committee should reach the office not later than 3.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 20th August, 2019.

3. Scrutiny of nomination forms – Will be held on Tuesday, 20th August, 2019, at 3.30 p.m.

4. Withdrawal of nomination – Last date of withdrawal of Nomination is Thursday, 22nd August, 2019, till 3.00 p.m.

5. Time of Voting - On the day of election, i.e. Saturday, 31st August, 2019, the ballot boxes will be kept open from 3.45 p.m. to 6.45 p.m. or till all the members present have cast their votes, whichever is later.

Rule 6 (a) "The General Body at its Annual Meeting every year shall elect a Scrutinizing Committee consisting of 7 members for the purpose of scrutinizing applications for membership in category 3A(a), (b) and (e). A member is eligible to contest the membership of only one Committee from among the Committees constituted by the General Body."
Relevant portion of Rule 14(a) & 14(b):

Rule 14 (a) "The Society shall be administered by a Managing Committee consisting of a President, four Vice-Presidents, an Hon. Secretary, who shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Society and 15 members elected from among the Resident members, who have been members for a continuous period of not less than two years, on the date on which their nominations have been filed. The qualification of membership for continuous period of not less than two years shall be applicable to all office bearers. The nominations on the Society's official form must be supported by two members and signed by the candidate indicating his/her willingness to serve and must be received by the Society's office by the deadline set by the Managing Committee, which shall not be less than eight and more than fifteen days before the General Body Meeting. While the President, four Vice-Presidents and the Hon. Secretary shall be elected in alternate years and hold office for two years, the 15 members of the Managing Committee shall be elected for a period of three years. One-third or five members shall retire every year after serving their period of three years and shall be replaced by five members elected for a three-year term.........

A member who is in arrears of the subscription or has any other dues payable to the Society or has been a defaulter for non-return of books on the day of nomination, shall not be eligible to seek election to the Managing Committee. The same conditions shall apply to the proposer and seconder of all candidates.

(b) “No withdrawal of nomination shall be permitted within 24 hours of the time fixed for holding the Annual General Body Meeting at which elections are to be held. ………………….

No member of the Society shall hold the same office for more than three consecutive terms. Office in this context means the office of the President, the Vice Presidents, the Hon. Secretary and the members of the Managing Committee, co-opted or elected."

Rule 16 (a) A Member of the Managing Committee who absents himself/herself for three consecutive meetings of the Managing Committee without leave of absence from the Committee shall automatically cease to be a member of the Managing Committee. All Office Bearers and members of the Managing Committee and other Office Bearers should at least attend 60% of the total meetings held from the end of the AGM to the end of the next AGM. If any office bearer or member of the Managing Committee fails to attend 60% of the total meetings then he forfeits his right to remain in that post.

Please note:

Rule 13(b) : A member who, on the day of any General Body Meeting of the Society, is in arrears of subscription, or is liable to pay any dues to the Society, shall not be entitled to participate in any way at such a meeting.

Rule 5(c)(i): A person shall cease to be a member of the Society if he/she has failed to pay his/her annual subscription for one year.


Download : Notice, Agenda and Election Schedule

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