The Asiatic Society of Mumbai takes pleasure in inviting you and your friends to the 32nd Smt. Nabadurga Banerji Endowment Lecture (online) by Professor Lakshmi Subramanian Visiting Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences, BITS Pilani Goa on “Radio, academies, public concerts and the staging of modern Indian classical music: a case for new socio-aesthetic categories” on Monday 15th November 2021 at 6.00 p.m.
Professor G. Arunima
Director, Kerala Council for Historical Research
will preside.
Platform: Zoom
(Join Zoom Meeting)
Meeting ID: 883 3830 9350
Passcode: 448016
- Dr Usha R. Vijailakshmi, Officiating Hon. Secretary
- Meenal Kshirsagar , Vice President & Chairperson Endowment Lectures Committee
The Asiatic Society of Mumbai cordially invites you to
The 40th Mahamahopadhyaya Dr. P. V. Kane Memorial Lecture (online)
by Prof. Osmund Bopearachchi Emeritus Director of Research, French National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris.
on Study of Trade in the Indian Ocean through Self-Portraits of Traders, with particular reference to the Murals of Maharashtra
on Friday, 16th July, 2021, at 6.00 p.m.
Prof. Deepak Kannal Former Professor in Art History and Aesthetics, Dept. of Sculpture, M.S. University, Baroda will preside.
All are cordially invited. For Free registration use following link:
- Parineeta Deshpande, Hon. Director
- Usha R. Vijailkashmi Officiating Hon. Secretary
The Asiatic Society of Mumbai
takes pleasure in inviting you and your friends to
the 31st Smt. Nabadurga Banerji Endowment Lecture (online) by
Dr Radhika Seshan, Professor and Former Head Department of History Savitribai Phule, Pune University on
‘Trade and Politics – the 17th century in South India’ on
Thursday, 28th January, 2021 from 6.30 to 8.00 p.m.
Dr Ruby Maloni, Professor and Former Head Department of History, University of Mumbai
will preside.
Platform: Zoom
Meeting ID: 821 2900 2818
Passcode: 736827
- Meenal Kshirsagar, Vice President & Chairperson Endowment Lectures Committee
- Dr Usha R. Vijailakshmi, Officiating Hon. Secretary
The Asiatic Society of Mumbai takes pleasure in inviting you and your friends to the 11th B. G. Deshmukh Endowment Lecture by Mr. Harsh C Mariwala, Founder and Chairman, Marico Limited on “Culture Building & Corporate Governance” on Wednesday, 17th March 2021 at 6.00 p.m. Mr. R. Gopalakrishnan, Former Director Tata Sons & Author and Corporate Advisor,
will preside. Platform: Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 840 3254 1050
Passcode: 597983
- Meenal Kshirsagar , Vice President of the Society & Chairperson Endowment Lectures Committee
- Dr Usha R. Vijailakshmi, Officiating Hon. Secretary
The Asiatic Society of Mumbai takes pleasure in inviting you and your friends to the Ninth Professor Dhirendra Narain Endowment Lecture (Online) by Professor Dr Phiroze Vasunia Department of Greek and Latin University College London U.K. on ‘Memories of Empire’ on Friday 8th January 2021 from 6.30 to 8.00 p.m. Dr Arjun Appadurai Goddard Professor of Media, Culture and Communication, New York University & Visiting Professor of Anthropology, Humboldt University (Berlin)
will preside.
Platform: Zoom (Join Zoom Meeting)
Meeting ID: 823 6338 4119 Passcode: 309080
-Meenal Kshirsagar , Vice President & Chairperson Endowment Lectures Committee
-Dr Usha R. Vijailakshmi , Officiating Hon. Secretary