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Release of ASM Journal Volume 91

We are happy to share with you that on 25th November 2023, on the occasion of the Foundation Day of the Asiatic, the Society has released Volume 91 of the ASM Journal. It has come to the Society's notice that some unscrupulous elements are collecting money for publishing papers in the Society's Journal and offering bogus certificates. The Asiatic Society does not collect money for publishing in its journal, nor does it guarantee publication, and neither does it issue any certificate. Authors must verify with the Society before submitting any papers, and papers will be published only after rigorous peer review and editing. The Society does not take responsibility for any payments made to third parties claiming to represent the Society, or for their papers appearing in a cloned/spam journal. Ours is a print-only journal. 


The Asiatic Society of Mumbai
Mumbai Research Centre
Navigating the Corte do Norte of Portuguese India
A Free Virtual Tour of the Bassein Fort
When Bombay or Mumbai was still a seemingly insignificant cluster of marshy islands, Bassein stood as the proud northern capital of the Portuguese territories. A centre once bustling with trade and commerce, institution and industry, aristocracy and clergy, Bassein or Baçaim can be dubbed “praelusio urbs prima in Indis.” A silent witness to history’s meanderings, the monumental presence of the fortified city of Bassein can now only be felt through its ruins. Here, nature and structure have found a rhythm of growth and decay, enough to preserve a semblance of its former grandeur.
Join us as we navigate the historical and urban intricacies woven into the defense and religious architecture of the Fort to flesh out a two hundred year record of the rise and subsequent decline of this once famed walled city.

Resource Person: André Baptista
Date: Saturday, 18th July 2020
Time: 7.00 p.m.
Platforms: Microsoft Teams
Link for Google doc: https://forms.gle/s4xjjEdaxxz5TvL57
Link for Whats App Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/L3vwP6W1wQy2hecvYEIzgd
Contact: Vrushali (9820603539), Rushikesh (9766410354),
Madhu (9821695912), Madhumita (9987087418)

- Surendra Kulkarni, Hon. Secretary, Asiatic Society of Mumbai
- Dr. Shehernaz Nalwalla, Chairperson, Mumbai Research Centre





Annual Report 22-23  



Annual Report 20-21  


Annual Report 21-22  


Annual Report 19-20  



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