Explore the tangible and intangible heritage of Chaul, Revdanda & Korlai from the 1st c CE till modern times with archaeologist Prashant Gharat.
Saturday 26th & Sunday 27 February, 2022
1. Gadhegal at Nagaon
2. Waghdevi Caves
3. Hingulaza Temple
4. Kalavantinicha Mahal
5. Bhagvati Devi Temple
6. Nizamshahi Mosque
7. Hamamkhana
8. Revdanda Fort - Churches and Chapels
9. Korlai Fort
10. Temple and Sati Stone
11. Korlai Village with traditional architecture, folklore and songs
₹4000/- per head
(₹3800/- for ASM members)
ex-Gateway, with traditional Konkani food and overnight homestay.
Payment link for members: https://rzp.io/l/ChaulMem
Payment link for non-members: https://rzp.io/l/ChaulGen
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