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Release of ASM Journal Volume 91

We are happy to share with you that on 25th November 2023, on the occasion of the Foundation Day of the Asiatic, the Society has released Volume 91 of the ASM Journal. It has come to the Society's notice that some unscrupulous elements are collecting money for publishing papers in the Society's Journal and offering bogus certificates. The Asiatic Society does not collect money for publishing in its journal, nor does it guarantee publication, and neither does it issue any certificate. Authors must verify with the Society before submitting any papers, and papers will be published only after rigorous peer review and editing. The Society does not take responsibility for any payments made to third parties claiming to represent the Society, or for their papers appearing in a cloned/spam journal. Ours is a print-only journal. 


Yaad Na Jaay Beete Dino Ki - a musical treat on Mohammed Rafi on the occasion of his death anniversary - Concept and presentation by Manek Premchand.
Open to all:
Time: Jul 31, 2021 07:00 PM India (Saturday)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 823 0520 5288
Passcode: 608884

Introductory: 4 free sessions on Map reading


TIME: 6 TO 8.30 PM
FEES: STUDENTS Rs.4,000/-; OTHERS- Rs.6,000/-

HIGHLIGHTS: It will be run at two levels:
- As a mega lecture series with no evaluation at the end and where participants will be given an attendance certificate and
- As a Certificate Course with both on-going and end-of-course evaluation and basically meeting all the mandatory requirements of a Certificate Course.
- Participants could opt for either of these alternatives, which however will be a single set of lectures delivered by the resource persons.
- 4 Free sessions on Maharashtra through Maps from 2nd to 5th August open to all.
- Eminent Scholars as Resource Persons.


The Mumbai Research Centre of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai is pleased to announce a lecture series on The Changing Images of Bombay by Sharon Irani and Mrinal Kapadia from 26-30 July, 2021.

Time: 7 pm to 8.30 pm
Fees: ₹1000/-
Platform: Zoom


The depiction of Mumbai through images began in earnest with the arrival of the British on these islands, with the East India Company desperately trying to gain footing in a complicated geopolitical mix. We will see how early paintings and engravings, especially if commissioned by the Company, show an exaggerated depiction of naval power, while always looking at their parcels of land from a distance, as if inadvertently hinting they have no way inland.

The occupation of Salsette brought in a measure of political stability and attracted a handful of amateur artists in the late 18th century, which eventually lead to an explosion of travellers that sketched and published their thoughts and views in the early 19th century. Through mid-to-late 19th century, we will see the evolution of imagery with the transfer of power from the Company to the Crown in which, as it takes up the "white man’s burden", the overlap of “Orientalism” in art will be observed, as well it’s translation to photography.

We will explore the explosion of photographic studios at the turn of the 19th century and the rise of “illustrated” media periodicals and booklets thereafter, with nascent advertising campaigns using these images all through the Wars. While moving through the growing Swadeshi consciousness in various ways, and culminating with Independence, Partition, and the Republic, the end note will touch on the Progressive Artist’s Group, ushering in a new direction in artistic expression of the city.


Started in 1950 by Dr. K.M. Munshi the Agriculture minister for India, and celebrated annually across the country since then in the 1st week of July, Van Mahotsav or the Festival of trees, aims at creating awareness about the ecological importance of trees. Let’s celebrate Van Mahotsav 2021 with Dr. Vandana Shiva on 3rd July 2021 . Join us in her talk ‘ Regenerating India’s Ecological Civilization and Aranya Sanskriti’ on Indian forests, at 7 pm on Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 1378 6946
Passcode: 389763
One tap mobile
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The Mumbai Research Centre of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai invites you for a public lecture at 7.00 pm on 1 July 2021 by Dr. Farokh Udwadia, Padma Bhushan on the topic of "Medicine in Bombay Through the Ages" in commemoration of National Doctors' Day.

Celebrated diagnostician, teacher and writer, Dr. Farokh Udwadia, MBBS (1953), MD (1956), FAMS, FRCP (Edinburgh, 1969), FRCP (London), Padma Bhushan (1987), Master FCCP (1997), DSc (2004 is emeritus professor in medicine, Grant Medical College and the JJ Group of Hospitals; consultant physician, director, Intensive Care Unit, Breach Candy Hospital; Consultant Physician, BD Petit Parsee General Hospital, Mumbai). Awarded the Prince of Wales Gold Medal and Dr. C S Patel Gold Medal in the MD examinations (University of Mumbai), he was elected the youngest Indian Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh at the age of 38. Also an ardent music aficionado, he is known for his advocacy of studying science and the humanities together.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 830 3260 5607
Passcode: 566846

View Live on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnRw_63Q33ejLZD-Mj40XDQ

The parallel histories of Vasai, Thane and Chaul

6, 7, 8 July 2021 | Zoom | 7:00 - 8:30pm | Rs. 600/-

Long before Governor Hornby and his Vellard, the northern Konkan had several claimants to the title of the Commercial Capital of India. The region's strategic geography is unmistakable with several Ghats opening passages from the hinterland to the coast, which possessed several natural harbors. From the earliest periods, ships from the western Indian Ocean have traded with this coast. The names Sopara, Kalyan and Chaul are registered as important emporia by Greco-Roman sources, while Thane and Vasai come into prominence in the medieval period.

This series will look at three emporia – Vasai, Thane and Chaul – through a historical-geographical lens, considering their political, strategical and commercial value to the various states that ruled them. We will use historical maps and writings along with modern sources to examine the factors that led to their rise and their eventual decline. Ultimately every lecture will pose this question — if not Bombay, would any of them have emerged as Urbs Prima in Indis?






Annual Report 23-24  



Annual Report 20-21  


Annual Report 21-22  


Annual Report 19-20  



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