The Asiatic Society of Mumbai Literary Club
ASM LitClub Talk by Dr. David Katz on ‘Digital Preservation of Sacred Sanskrit Manuscripts by the Muktabodha Indological Institute’ on Friday, 22nd February, 2019, at 5.30 p.mThe Literary Club of Asiatic Society of Mumbai cordially invites you to a talk by Dr. David Katz on ‘Digitial Preservation of Sacred Sanskrit Manuscripts by the Muktabodha Indological Institute’ on Friday, 22nd February, at 5.30 p.m. in the Durbar Hall of the Society.

The Asiatic Society of Mumbai Literary Club
ASM LitClub Talk
on ‘Bhagavata Mela’ by Ms. Indumati Raman
on Thursday, 10th January, 2019, at 5.30 p.m.
The Literary Club of Asiatic Society of Mumbai cordially invites you to a talk on ‘Bhagavata Mela’ by Ms. Indumati Raman on Thursday, 10th January at 5.30 p.m. in the Durbar Hall of the Society.
Bhagavata Mela is a temple dance- theatre tradition practiced by Brahmin males in Thanjavur district. Dedicated to Sri Narasimha, an incarnation of Vishnu, the plays are rich in content- classical dance, chaste Carnatic music, dialogue and rituals. The talk will touch upon the history of Bhagavata Mela, with special reference to the contribution of the Thanjavur Maratha kings to this tradition. It will be illustrated with slides.
Ms. Indumati Raman has recently published a book, "Bhagavata Mela: My Tryst with Tradition" in which she has narrated the rich history of an age old dance drama. It is a 500- year old tradition which has been kept alive since the era of the Cholas. Each family offers one son to this tradition, as he is trained in classical dance, speech and movements.
It will be fascinating to listen to Ms. Raman.
Do join us for tea at 5.00 p.m. and the lecture which will follow at 5.30 p.m.
-Prof. Vispi Balaporia, Hon. Secretary - ASM
-Mrs. Sanjeevani Kher, Chairperson – ASM LitClub
-Prof. Meenal Kshirsagar, Convenor - ASM LitClub

The Asiatic Society of Mumbai Literary Club
ASM LitClub Talk
Shakespeare for the # MeToo Generation

On Tradition and Taneja's We That Are Young
by Professor Ayesha Ramchandran,
on Thursday, 13th December, 2018, at 5.30 p.m.

The Literary Club of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai cordially invites you to a lecture by Ayesha Ramchandran, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, Yale University, on Thursday, 13th December, 2018, at 5.30 p.m. in the Durbar Hall of the Society. Prof. Ramchandran will speak on Preti Taneja's acclaimed recent novel We That Are Young.

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